Having dry skin is a tough task to manage. It requires extra care and nourishment in winter as well as in summer. Hot and dry winds of summer can make it drier. Your skin can get affected by the hot & humid weather during summer. It can get you exposed greatly to the UV rays of the sun. You can have less water consumption sometimes. These all factors lead to dry skin in summer. A dry skin means it is rough, and appears dull. Dry skin often leads to itching and irritation problems. So, moisturise your skin regularly to get it softer and radiant.

Consider These Valuable Skincare Tips

You can get rid of dry skin problems following these tips. 

  1. Hydrate Yourself 

Being hydrated internally is crucial to avoid dry and flaky skin. People with dry skin should get themselves hydrated from within. They should focus on drinking an ample amount of water regularly. It helps moisturise their skin internally. People who want to nourish their dry skin, should drink at least 6 to 8 glasses of water regularly. You can also include fruits and green vegetables in your diet to fulfil your skincare requirements. All that will help you regain a glowing skin. 

  1. Use a Mild Face Wash

Cleansing is an important part of everyone’s daily skincare routine. It helps people remove excess oil, makeup, sweat and dirt from their skin. It also refreshes your skin complexion. But you should be aware that the process strips the moisture of your skin. It makes your skin dry and rough after every wash. You should try to use mild face wash for cleansing. Cleansers containing sulphates should be ignored by switching to AHA-based ones. It will help you maintain the hydration level and restore your skin well.

  1. Maintain a Healthy Diet 

Maintaining a healthy diet is somewhat tough but helps you if you have dry skin problems. You should include certain foods like dry fruits, sweet potato, fatty fish, etc. to reduce the symptoms of dry skin. It helps hydrate your body and eliminate the deficiencies. Your skin will get repaired internally to get soft and radiant outside. Antioxidant-rich food should form part of your diet regime. 

  1. Cover Your Skin Properly

Dry skin can be a result of the hot summer season. As the sun shining over our heads takes up moisture and essential oil from the skin, it makes our skin dry and rough with time. You can get rid of the UV rays of the sun by covering your head and following other necessary precautions. Avoid wearing shorts and sleeveless dresses during summer. But if you wear these, don’t forget to apply sunscreen on your skin. We have detailed sunscreen benefits later.

Doing these will help avoid your skin getting exposed to sun’s rays. You can wear fully covered clothes, a wide-brimmed hat, and sunglasses to reduce the chances of dry skin. Do not forget other things like sunscreen to help your skin restore moisture for a long time. 

  1. Use a Humidifier

In summer, we used to work in an air-conditioned place. It cools down the environment around us. But do you know that it reduces the moisture of the air? It is one of the causes of dry skin in the summer season. It can make your skin dry and irritated after a time. So, start using a humidifier to maintain the moisture of the air around us. This will help you tackle the problem of dry skin.

  1. Apply Sunscreen

You can get rid of dry skin using sunscreen. It safeguards your skin from UVA and UVB rays of the sun. As we know, extra exposure to the sun can harm you with dry, itchy, and irritated skin problems. Therefore, apply a SPF 30-based sunscreen to protect your skin. This will safeguard you against sunburn and photoaging and so on. Make it a crucial part of your regular skincare routine and enjoy soft and shiny skin.

  1. Exfoliate Safely

Exfoliation helps remove dead skin cells. It makes your skin free of flakiness and clears your complexion. It also helps increase blood circulation. Applying scrub 2-3 times a week is enough to improve skin cells. But on the other hand, over-exfoliation strips the natural moisture of the skin and makes it even drier. So, exfoliate safely. 


Maintaining the health of your skin in summer is hard. You can face tan, sunburn, or dry and flaky skin. For that, we have been discussing skincare tips for people with dry skin. So, if you face dry skin problems, start following these tips to look bright and clean. You can also get help from beauty professionals at CuDel. It offers home beauty parlour services, bringing comfort and skincare together for customers like you!