Waxing is one of the main steps of our regular skincare routine. It helps us get smoother skin. As a woman, we think about so many different ways to remove hair from our bodies effectively. But there are certain methods that can harm the outer surface of the skin and make it darker over time. So, we should choose effective and gentle ways of hair removal. Waxing is the safest one to apply and pamper your body.

Why Choose Wax Over Shaving?
Waxing is considered an amazing and safest way to remove hair from our bodies. You can remove the hair from more areas of the body with ease without thinking over the side effects that shaving has. One of the best things about waxing is it lasts longer than shaving. You don’t need to remove your hair frequently. Shaving hair with a razor can lead to enhanced hair growth and hair removal.

Different Types of Waxing
There is not just a method of waxing. It can be done in two different ways to remove hair. One is named Warm Waxing and the other one is Hold Waxing.

When you get warmly waxed, the wax is applied to the skin using a spatula. After that, fabric strips smoothen over the wax. As a result, both wax and hair get removed together.

After a few minutes of applying hot waxing to your skin, the wax left starts to cool and harden. Then the corner of the wax is lifted up to pull out of your skin. It helps open pores before the removal of the strip.

Now let’s get to know about the advantages of waxing over shaving your skin.

1. Less Regrowth
It minimizes hair regrowth as it gets removed from the roots. You won’t need to wax often. It has a long-lasting impact on smooth and silkier skin. When you shave, your hair gets cut off close to the skin level. But they are still there to regrow again very soon.

2. Finer Regrowth
Waxing leads to finer hair regrowth as it is a gentle method of hair removal. You will have smooth and fine hair rather than harsh and blunt hair growth. It helps your hair get a smoother texture after growing back. On the other hand, shaving leads to harsh, blunt hair regrowth and subtle cuts at the time of doing it.

3. Exfoliation
Dead skin cells get accumulated inside our skin and result in outbreaks, blemishes, and dryness of the skin. To prevent this, we need to exfoliate our skin regularly. When you apply wax on your skin, it makes the waxed area smooth, radiant, clean, and fresh the same as an exfoliator does.

4. Prevent Inflammation
Waxing is a better option than shaving as it prevents inflammation. When you shave, your skin usually swells. But when you wax, it gently removes hair and eliminates possibilities of swelling. It avoids rashes and lowers any other kind of skin damage effectively.

5. Little Ingrown Hair
Shaving usually results in the form of more ingrown hair on your skin. As they are very painful to manage and remove and more likely to get infected. Professional beauty experts know the way of removing wax stripes accurately to decrease the risk of ingrown hair.

6. Stops Itching
Itching is one of the side effects of the shaving method. It increases the risk of harshness and itchiness on your skin. On the other hand, waxing is gentle and harmless and prevents itchiness over your skin.

7. Decreases the Risk of Cuts
Waxing is good in the matter of nicks and cuts. It does not include a process that has a risk of cuts. You can enjoy removing hair without thinking about any harm. On the other hand, shaving is more prone to nicks and cuts often.

Now we have discussed the advantages of waxing over shaving. It will help you select a better method of hair removal. However, you can enjoy waxing services at home with CuDeL. We offer a great range of beauty services at your doorstep!