White, fair, or glowing skin is the desire of every woman. It brings a different confidence in them. While some acquire naturally fair skin by birth, others do not. Those who are dark can’t get fair. But they can certainly look better by following a skincare routine. It helps maintain a natural glow on their face. Some environmental factors also contribute to your skin appearing dark and dull. You have to follow some beauty tips to regain your natural skin tone or improve it further. You will feel confident and beautiful while doing things for yourself. It will add to your overall personality and lighten your skin.

Let’s get to understand some beauty tips that will help you.

1. Sleep Enough

Taking proper rest and sleep is crucial for everyone. But nowadays, we live hectic life schedules, and most of us sleep less. It impacts our body’s functioning. Adequate sleep is important for a healthy body and skin at the same time. If you sleep less, your body feels tired and unnourished. It will lead to wrinkles, dark circles, and other skin issues. You should sleep at least 7-8 hours to help your skin regain its glow. As we know, the sleeping process increases blood flow and ultimately provides glowing skin.

2. Drink Enough Water

Some people have the habit of drinking less water than usual. It makes their skin dry, dull and flaky. The skin starts getting dehydrated and unnourished. Drinking adequate water is necessary, especially in summer. You should drink 7-8 glasses of water regularly. It will help your body function properly and add glow to your skin. You will feel enhanced skin tone after following it.

3. Wear Sunscreen

Sunscreen is one of the important skincare routines. It helps in protecting your skin from the sun’s ultraviolet rays that damage skin tissues. You can have several skin problems like tanned, loose, and irregular skin from sun exposure. It also darkens the skin tone after a time. So, you should take care of your skin from the sun rays. Start wearing SPF 30-based sunscreen and regain your glowing skin.

4. Moisturise Your Skin

In summer, usually, people think not to put moisturisers in their bags. But it is a big mistake they commit. People with dry skin can face several skin problems even in the summer. The sun’s harsh rays can easily dry out your skin’s natural oil. You should moisturise your skin regularly with light coverage or water-based moisturisers on hot days. It will help your skin maintain elasticity to avoid roughness or wrinkles. You can find your face glowing with its hydrating effects.

5. Olive Oil and Honey Massage

Honey and olive oil are important parts of home skincare ingredients. It helps in cleansing, moisturising, and removing signs of ageing skin from the skin. You can get a glowing skin by applying them together as a paste.

How to Make the Paste of Olive Oil and Honey?

First of all, take 2 tablespoons of olive and 1 tablespoon of honey. Then Mix them well and apply them to your face. You can add a few drops of lemon juice while having oily skin. Apply the paste on your face. After a few minutes, use lukewarm water to rinse your paste.

6. Facial Steam

Facial steam is a very important process that helps eliminate excess oil and dirt from the skin. It opens up the skin pores to extract the impurities effectively. It also increases blood circulation and leads to more collagen production. That will ensure a nice skin tone and a glow on your face.

7. Exfoliate Your Skin

Dead cells make your skin dull. Exfoliation is an important skincare routine to remove dead skin cells. It opens up the pores to eliminate dirt and excess sebum. Your skin feels good after the process completes accurately.


So, we have suggested some tips to make your skin lighter. It helps in reducing skin problems. However, if you want professionals to bring home beauty parlour services for you, contact CuDel.