Monsoon is on the door and we welcome it with open hands. The time has come when we finally sit on the balcony with a cup of tea and watch the rain. But it is also said to be the falling phase for hair follicles. It is normal to lose 50-100 strands in a day, but if you lose more than that, it’s a point of concern. 

The humid air in the monsoon makes our hair greasy and oily. As a result, we face extra hair fall. And, if we do not take instant care of our greasy hair and scalp, it may cause fungal infection, weak roots and itchy scalp. 

Some Major Causes of Hairfall 

  • Rain can be acidic and the chemicals from it may damage your scalp. 
  • Using the dryer to dry your wet hair can damage hair badly
  • Some health issues like an upset stomach or sore throat can reduce the intake of nutrients required for healthy hair.

These are some reasons responsible for the excessive hairfall during monsoon. Here we have some tips by which you can protect your hair. Let’s see the tips! 

How to Take Care of Hair During Monsoon?

Wondering how to take care of your hair in the rainy season? Don’t worry! With some simple changes in the routine, you can help your hair follicles. 

Use a Mild Shampoo 

Give extra care to your hair during the monsoon. Use a mild shampoo with light hands. Quality shampoo is preferable as it nourishes your scalp and replenishes your hair, resulting in reduced hairfall.

Consider Using a Microfiber Towel 

Using a microfiber towel helps absorb water quickly and dries your hair without any breakage. Use it after a shower and dap it on your hair with minimal friction to reduce hairfall. 

Say NO to Chemicals 

Try to avoid chemicals in the monsoon season to prevent hair fall. As the chemicals harm your hair and make them break. Treatments like coloring and rebonding make your scalp greasy and oily, causing hair and scalp damage and making them prone to damage. 

Oil Regularly

Don’t forget to apply oil on your scalp regularly during the monsoon. It helps prevent hair fall. Apply tea tree oil, coconut oil, and olive oil on your hair. They help strengthen hair follicles. Also, it has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that keep your hair clean and dry. 

Avoid Heating Tools

To control your frizz during the monsoon, apply serum and try heating tools. As heat damages your hair more and makes it easy to break. 

Maintain Your Diet

A good diet provides you with healthy and shiny hair. Add some ground nuts, almonds, sprouts or egg white to your diet as they provide essential protein for hair growth. The high sugar content and cheese cause hormonal imbalance in the body and aggravate the issue of hair fall. So, avoid consuming the same. 

Some Home Remedies 

Apply Lemon On Your Scalp 

Monsoon comes with humidity and makes your scalp greasy and oily. So, the application of lemon makes them dry, healthy and shiny. But be mindful before using lemon juice directly on your scalp as it can irritate your scalp. If it irritates your scalp, mix it with some oil before applying.  

Use Aloe Vera 

It is easy to apply aloe Vera, which has powerful antimicrobial properties. These properties help soothe the scalp. Also, apply it to your scalp two hours before washing your hair, or mix it with your hair oil or shampoo.

Apply Egg

The egg is considered the natural remedy for conditioning. The biotin in eggs strengthens the hair follicles and its protein content reduces the split ends. Additionally, minerals and vitamins promote faster and healthier hair growth. 

Use an Onion Juice 

Onions contain sulfur that helps by preventing hair breakage and thinning. It is rich in antioxidants. So, when you apply the onion juice, it nourishes the scalp and prevents fungal infection. When you apply it on your scalp, it prevents you from bacterial infection as it is antibacterial. 


So now, you can find different techniques to avoid hair fall during monsoon. Use them and protect your hair from damage. But if you want to give some special treatment to your hair but don’t want to go outside your home, contact CuDel- a professional home beauty salon. It provides hair services at home by professionals using original products. Contact Now!